Pictured (l to r): Jim Broemmer, Adams Chief Executive Office; Pam Leffringhouse, Adams Schools and Library Coordinator; Richard Young, Brown County Library Director; and Robin Walker, Marketing and Events Librarian.
Golden, IL— The Foundation for Rural Service (FRS) recently named Brown County Public Library as a recipient of its 2017 grant in support of advancing quality of life and enabling economic development in rural America. The $5,000 award allows a technology upgrade for the library, which is the only location with free public use of computers and a public Wi-Fi hotspot in the community.
Pam Leffringhouse, Adams Schools and Libraries Coordinator, originated the grant application process with the library and worked closely with the staff to determine what technology the community would benefit from most. After prioritization, it was determined that two new computers with widescreen monitors would greatly benefit patrons in public computer usage.
Second priority became purchasing iPads. Through a discount secured by Brown County Public Library Director, Richard Young, eight were obtained enabling the library to begin offering computer classes and training. The final priority became adding a new printer for the staff. This new addition freed up the library’s main copier for patron usage and saves the library time and money.
Jim Broemmer, CEO, states, “We’re glad we could help initiate this grant application process with the library and are ecstatic that the library was chosen as a recipient. Brown County residents will benefit from this award for several years to come.”
Only ten other institutions across the nation were chosen to receive similar grants from the FRS. “The Foundation for Rural Service is honored to highlight these incredible communities—each reflecting the culture of vision, service and innovation at the heart of rural America,” said Jessica Golden, executive director of FRS. “We congratulate all of our applicants for the collaborative work they do to improve the well-being of rural America.”