SPRINGFIELD – State Representative Norine Hammond met with students representing Adams Electric Cooperative and Adams Telephone Co-Operative during the Illinois Electric and Telephone Cooperatives Youth Day in Springfield on Wednesday, April 3. Youth Day is designed to introduce young rural leaders to state government. More than 235 students representing 23 co-ops from across the state attended the event.
Students had the opportunity to visit the State Capitol, view state government in action from the Senate floor and question their legislators on key issues. They were also invited into the office of Secretary of State Jesse White.
During lunch, State Treasurer Michael W. Frerichs addressed students and chaperones and encouraged them to find where their passion lies. Frerichs said, “It doesn’t matter what you do if you love what you are doing. Find your own path. There may be times when you start down a path and diverge from it but listen to your heart. Sometimes you have to immerse yourself in something and possibly fail. Even when we don’t win, we learn from the experience.”
Collin Moseley, the 2018-19 Illinois Youth Leadership Council representative from Clay Electric Co-operative, Inc., reflected on the past year and the experiences he had on the Youth to Washington tour and his opportunity to represent Illinois at various meetings. He encouraged everyone going on the 2019 Youth to Washington Tour to apply to represent Illinois as the YLC and not be afraid to connect with others on the trip.
After lunch, the students visited the Old State Capitol and Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum.
At the end of the day, the students were interviewed for the chance to participate in the Youth to Washington tour, June 14-21, 2019.

Pictured with Representative Norine Hammond are students: Roman Adcox, Peace Agbavito, Avalynn Bangert, Justice Cobern, Paul Cornwell, Shea Coyle, Makayla Crim, Maya Dixon, Wyatt Elliott, Zach Foote, Allyson Hayden, Jewel Hester, Kaitlyn Hoskins, Audrey Kaufman, Katie Kindhart, Audrey Love, Emilie Maas, Jordan McCarty, Alyson McMillen, Keagan Mercurio, Mazie Neisen, Kylee Newell, Amber Nixon, Eli Ripperda, Olivia Rodgers, Julia Ruffcorn, Hayden Stoneking, Logan Tullock, Macie Waddill, Chesney Walker, Rylie Whitehead and Odessa Wilkey.
Adams Electric Cooperative is a member of Touchstone Energy – an alliance of 730 local, consumer-owned electric utilities around the country. Adams Electric Cooperative is committed to providing superior service based on four core principles: integrity, accountability, innovation and commitment to community. The co-op serves more than 8,784 meters over 2,242 miles of line in parts of Adams, Brown, Hancock, McDonough, Pike and Schuyler counties. For more information visit www.adamselectric.coop.
Adams Telephone Co-Operative has been serving Western Illinois since 1952 and has evolved into a state-of-the-art telecommunications company. Through its affiliated companies, Adams provides a full range of data, voice and networking services backed by a local fiber optic facility, local and long-distance telephone service, high-speed internet access, and television programming. Adams Telephone Co-Operative services members in Adams, Brown, Hancock, McDonough, Pike and Schuyler counties. For more information visit www.adams.net.