Instant Care

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IC Console & Remote

Instant Advice…Instant Security…Instant Care.
Safety. Security. Trusted medical advice. Necessities at any age, in any living situation. Adams, the communications provider you’ve trusted for over 60 years has an innovative product to help families and individuals, young and old. Instant Care, the highest quality Emergency Response and Tele-Medicine product, is available today through Adams.

What is Instant Care? 

It’s a simple console in your home, connected with a phone line.  A wireless transmitter, worn by the user, ensures access to the Instant Care device throughout your home.  Both the console and the transmitter have two buttons, one button for medical emergencies and one for Nurse Line Help:


  • Medical Emergency:  In case of an emergency, the Instant Care staff can talk with you through the console, and if needed they can quickly dispatch medical help to your home.
  • The Nurse Line Help button provides you with the opportunity to ask a nurse at a skilled Triage Center any medical question you may have. With proper early intervention, often a medical emergency can be avoided.

Call us at 877-696-4611 for more information about Instant Care, providing security for every age, young and old.